A few blogs ago I mention how I have so much free time since I have graduated from college. Some ppl told me to get a 2nd job (but with this economy- I didn’t want a 2nd job that could be someone’s 1st job), so told me to enjoy doing nothing…but that’s not in my nature + I don’t have any kids; so I better do all I can now…
So I decided to not only become actively involved in my church but also my community….(outside of my sorority <Z~Phi to ALL MY SORORS>). I really want to be an role model to young females & since I will not be teaching, so I decided to help with cheerleading of one of the local Pop Warner Teams…{Shout Outs to the Winston-Salem Tiny Vikings}. So I am the Assistant Cheer Director…which is a major role. I know this will be a challenge~ but with the help of GOD & Jesus---I know I can make it….
***If you are in the Winston Salem/Kernersville Area & are interested in getting your son , nephew, little brother...etc play football or your daugther, neice, little sister, etc to Cheer ages 5-15......Please feel free to contact me....( well leave a comment on my post stating that you are interested & we will go from there) ***