Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yes…I’m being for real~ Mr. Green & I broke up {like 2 months ago}. However~ he did a P*$$* way. He just up & left…that rite. He packed his ish & left.

Now I know what ur thinkin~ Didn’t I see it coming? HECK NO! Everything was fine. We went to the beach for my birthday & everything was fine. .

The days before he left….everything was fine…..NOW here’s the story…… so he told me he was goin to Texas to go visit some family. He was only supposed to be gone for like a wk. Well needless to say---a couple of day past~ & still no him. After talking & spending time with his family…still notHING DIFFERENT

---So I just sucked it up as an “L”. I will be honest-------<<-It hurts…a lot…See ya girl invested A Lot into this RELationshIp….But His lost ----Not MINE…..I heard this song on the Radio & can’t get it out my MIND----
“How can I love somebody else
If I can't love myself enough to know
When it's time,
Time to let go
All I really want
is to be happy
And to find a love that's mine
It would be so sweet”
-Mary J. Blige “Be Happy”

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